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Community Spotlight: Chihab Nadri

ICAD 2019 Student Thank Tank Scholar and ICAD 2022 Technical Co-chair


So, who are you?


I am a Ph.D. candidate in Industrial and Systems Engineering at  Virginia Tech, with a concentration on Human Factors and System Design. I earned a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University. Following this, I have pursued my Ph.D. degree at Virginia Tech within the Mind Music Machine Lab under Dr. Myounghoon Jeon. I am currently the lab manager of that group. My research interests broadly focus on the human factors and psychoacoustics involved in integrating novel auditory displays in music computing algorithms, human-computer applications, and automotive user interfaces for younger and older drivers. My current projects also include ideation and development of auditory in-vehicle alerts in automated vehicles.

How did you end up working on Sonification and Auditory Displays?

While starting a Master’s degree at Virginia Tech, my current advisor, Myounghoon Jeon (Philart), presented his work in a seminar class for new graduate students in 2018. I became very interested in the research that was conducted at the Mind Music Machine Lab and volunteered to work on my first sonification project, the sonification of paintings and visual artworks into music which also was my first authored publication (Chihab et al., ICAD 2019) and first contribution to the ICAD community. The project also led me to interview experts from the ICAD community, and I was fortunate enough to talk to these professionals. As I stayed at the lab, my research interests and projects expanded, and I am grateful for the breadth of projects I experienced in my early degree.

What is the role of Sonification/Auditory Display in your research?

Sonification and auditory displays play a central role in my research as nearly every project utilizes either element to improve user interfaces for automotive, artistic, or robotic user displays. Over the course of my degree, I have developed several sonification algorithms for experiencing visual and numerical data, most recently with fMRI user data and automotive interfaces.

Anything special ICADders should know about you?

While I only started my research work on sonification and auditory displays after joining the Mind Music Machine Lab, I had joined the music producers’ club at Purdue University previously. I believe this turn of events has been very beneficial for me and encourage new ICADders to consider the wide range of research topics displayed within ICAD as potential opportunities and lines of work they may find more interest than they might think.

What would you like to say to ICADders? 

The ICAD community and conference are perfect opportunities to network with welcoming and open-minded experts and I highly encourage ICADders to connect with people here!

Any way to learn more about your work or reach out to you?

I can be contacted from my email address at, my twitter @chihab_nadri, or my LinkedIn at

Published in Community Spotlight