Hans G. Kaper, Elizabeth Wiebel, and Sever Tipei "Data Sonification and Sound Visualization", Computing in Science and Engineering, July/August 1999, 48-58.
Sound can help us explore and analyze complex data sets in scientific computing. The authors describe a digital instrument for additive sound synthesis (DIASS) and a program to visualize sounds in a virtual-reality environment (M4CAVE).
Kanizsa, G. Organization in Vision: Essays on Gestalt Perception. New York: Praeger, 1979.
- In this classic gestalt text, Kanizsa gives examples of the effects of gestalt processes.
Karsenty, S., J. A. Landay, and C. Weikart. "Inferring Graphical Constraints with Rockit." In Human-Computer Interaction: Proceedings of CHI '92, held in 1993 at the University of York, UK. Also as Research Report 17, Digital Equipment Corporation, Paris Research Laboratory.
- This paper describes a graphical tool that helps in creating constrained graphical objects. Constraints are inferred by the system and shown to the user both graphically and sonically.
Kistler, D. K., and F. L. Wightman. "A Model of Head-Related Transfer Functions Based on Principal Components Analysis and Minimum-Phase Reconstruction." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91 (1992): 1637--1647.
- One of the first papers to thoroughly describe a systematic approach to simplifying the head-related transfer function.
Koffka, K. Principles of Gestalt Psychology. London: Kegan Paul, 1936.
- In this classic gestalt text, Koffka identifies applicable major grouping principles, particularly in vision.
Kramer, G., ed. Auditory Display: Sonification, Audification, and Auditory Interfaces. Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Proc. Vol. XVIII. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1994.
- A collection of 21 papers, defining the state of auditory display research at the time of its publication. It includes an extensive introductory chapter, foreword by A. Bregman, annotated bibliography, audio CD of sound examples, resources appendix, and informal comments by several ICAD participants.
Kramer, G. "An Introduction to Auditory Display." In Auditory Display: Sonification, Audification, and Auditory Interfaces, edited by G. Kramer. Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Proc. Vol. XVIII. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 1994.
- Kramer provides an overview of the field, including history, other uses of nonspeech audio, advantages and difficulties with auditory display, its relationship to music, and possible applications. Introduces the symbolic/analogic continuum as a means of comparing and analyzing display techniques.
Kramer, G. "Some Organizing Principles for Representing Data with Sound." In Auditory Display: Sonification, Audification, and Auditory Interfaces, edited by G. Kramer. Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Proc. Vol. XVIII. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 1994.
- Kramer provides a broad set of techniques for sonification display design. He describes parameter nesting and introduces beacons and dynamic beacons, affective and metaphorical association, and data type/data family association.
Kramer, G. "Sound and Communication in Virtual Reality." In Communication in the Age of Virtual Reality, edited by F. Biocca and M. Levy. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum, 1994.
- Kramer discusses the use of sound in virtual environments from the standpoint of Biocca's Communications Design Matrix. He provides an overview of auditory implementations in virtual reality and suggests a number of extensions of these techniques. He introduces the concept of audible objects as a factor in VR displays and describes work on sonification displays for enriching the formation of mental models.
Kramer, G. "Sonification of Financial Data: An Overview of Spreadsheet and Database Sonification." In The Proceedings of Virtual Reality Systems '93, SIG Advanced Applications, held 1993 in New York, NY. New York: SIG, 1993.
- A brief description of sonification, along with a case study of the sonification of five- and ten-dimensional financial data.
Kramer, G. "Sonification and Virtual Reality I: An Introduction." In VR Becomes a Business, the Proceedings of Virtual Reality '92. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1992
- An introductory paper on sonification, relating auditory data representation to immersive interfaces.
Kramer, G. "Audification: Using Sound to Understand Complex Systems and Navigate Large Data Sets." Proceedings of the Santa Fe Institute Science Board, Santa Fe Institute, 1990.
- Kramer describes his auditory display concepts and research from 1989--1990 and relates them to comprehending complexity and navigating large data sets.
Kramer, G. "Audification of the ACOT Predator/Prey Model." Unpublished research report prepared for Apple Computer's Advanced Technology Group, Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow, 1990.
- Kramer describes his work with Apple Computer to bring sonification techniques to a predator-prey model; the integrated hardware/software system for producing the sonifications is described. Realistic and abstract sonifications for the same data set are presented, and their possible impact on the formation of mental models and on students with different learning styles are discussed.
Kramer, G., and S. Ellison. "Audification: The Use of Sound to Display Multivariate Data." In The Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, 214--221. San Francisco, CA: ICMA, 1991.
- The authors introduce parameter nesting, a technique for developing high-dimen- sional displays, and introduce the Clarity Sonification Toolkit, an object-oriented research and development tool for developing and testing sonification techniques. They provide an in-depth description of how to use these tools to sonify a nine-dimensional Lorenz equation.
Krumhansl, C. L. Cognitive Foundations of Musical Pitch. Oxford Psychology Series, Vol. 17. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.
- Study of musical pitch from a perceptual perspective. Krumhansl presents a range of models of pitch phenomena and considers how these might be encoded and remembered.