Jaffe, D., and J. Smith. "Extensions of the Karplus-Strong Plucked
String Algorithm." Comp. Music J. 7(2) (1983).
The authors explore and extend the Karplus-Strong algorithm, an extremely
efficient approximate model of the physics of plucked strings.
Jameson, D. "Sonnet: Audio-Enhanced Monitoring and Debugging." In Auditory
Display: Sonification, Audification, and Auditory Interfaces, edited
by G. Kramer. Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity,
Proc. Vol. XVIII. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 1994.
Jameson describes a visual programming language for attaching run-time
actions to running programs. The run-time actions allow highly controlable
sounds to be attached both to programs and to data. Examples include differentiating
among different sorting algorithms by their auditory characteristics as
well as tracking trends in variables over time.
Jenkins, J. J. "Acoustic Information for Objects, Places, and Events."
In Persistence and Change: Proceedings of the First International Conference
on Event Perception edited by W. H. Warren and R. E. Shaw. Hillsdale,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1985.
An exploration of audition from an ecological point of view. Jenkins summarizes
the benefits of acoustic information over visual information, particularly
in natural settings. The advantages include unobtrusive monitoring, no
requirement for an external energy source if natural events are producing
the sound, provision of information about the cause of the sound and its
source in space, and interrupt capability because sound does not require
oriented receptors for effective delivery of the information.
Jones, S. D., and S. M. Furner. "The Construction of Audio Icons and
Information Cues for Human-Computer Dialogues." In Contemporary Ergonomics:
Proceedings of the Ergonomics Society's 1989 Annual Conference, edited
by T. Megaw. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1989.
Some early experiments into the effectiveness of earcons and auditory