The conclusions of many auditory display demonstrations and experiments
have included comments about the potential to apply theories and results
from the fields of psychoacoustics and auditory perception to address problems
of interaction and interference between display elements, and enhance the
intuitive comprehension of sound based information representations.
The ICAD Perception Page presents auditory display work which explicitly
incorporates perceptual principles, as well as links, pointers and references
to other perceptually-based material which may prove helpful to those wishing
to understand and learn more about how we hear the world around us.
Perception in Auditory Display
This page is for papers and web-pages specifically related to the application
of perceptual principles to auditory display. Send contributions to the
A project to produce a rich auditory environment in which the behaviour
of multiple independent activities is communicated through perceptually
distinguishable streams.
Creation, Presentation and Implications of Selected Auditory Illusions
The study of integral and seperable perceptual dimensions, and the
use of multidimensional scaling are concepts developed in perceptual psychology.
This page discusses these topics with a focus on auditory perception.
Multidimensional Scaling
of Integral and Seperable Dimensions
Auditory Demonstrations
Hearing is believing ! These demonstrations highlight a variety of
perceptual phenomena by allowing you to actually hear them. They also include
physiological, psychophysical and perceptually-based explanations.
The ASA Auditory Demonstrations
audio CD and accompanying booklet has many classic demonstrations including
critical bands, virtual pitch, dependence of pitch on intensity, Shephard's
pitch paradox, Deutsch's binauaral illusion and more.
Bregman's Demonstrations of Auditory Scene Analysis audio CD and booklet
of explanations keyed to the book, Auditory Scene Analysis (1990). It has
41 demonstrations of sequential integration. spectral integration, old-plus-new
heuristic, and dichotic effects. To order, e-mail
and use Mastercard, Visa or American Express for payment. Please identify
the CD with the following ISBN 0-262-522221-7 or BREIP.
Deutsch's Musical Illusions and Paradoxes
is an audio CD of stereo illusions (the octave illusion and a variant,
the scale illusion and several variants), a 'mysterious melody' and a full
experiment (24 minutes) on the tritone paradox. It comes with a 32-page
full-color booklet, which describes and illustrates the illusions in detail.
The ICAD'92 audio CD contains demonstrations of auralisation, earcons,
auditory icons, parameter nesting and other techniques used in auditory
displays. To obtain the CD and the accompanying ICAD'92 proceedings, call
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. (800/822-6339) and ask to order
AUDITORY INTERFACES (Hardbound ISBN 0-201-62603-9 $55.95, Paperbound ISBN
0-201-62604-7 $37.95).
Demonstrations of synthesised speech based on several models of speech
Perception at Haskins
Psychoacoustic Research
The fields of psychoacoustics and perceptual psychology have a long
history and the accumulated body of knowledge may serve to fill the need
for theoretical foundations to underpin the practise of auditory display.
Here are some helpful psychoacoustic research resources that auditory display
designers may draw upon.
This Human Auditory Perception Frequently Asked Questions contains
equations for Fletcher-Munson curves, band-rate, critical band-width, and
a bibliography.
The Journal of Acoustical Society of America (JASA) is the resting
place of many valuable psychoacoustic experimental observations and results.
ASA Home Page
The specific goals of MuSICA are to: (a) maintain a comprehensive and continually
updated computer-based record of scientific research on music and its biological
substrates, (b) to make this information available at no cost to promote research
and cooperative efforts and (c) to increase general awareness and knowledge
of the results of music research.
MuSICA Project
The MIT Machine Listening Lab distributes data which can be used for
3D spatialisation of sounds.
Head Related Transfer Functions
(HRTF) of a KEMAR dummy head microphone
Computational Models of Hearing
This is the inverse of auditory display - getting a computer to "hear"
an auditory scene like a human would, rather than getting a computer to
generate a scene for a human to hear. The common ground is human auditory
perception. These computational models are implementations of theories
about aspects of auditory perception, and the theory is well described
in each case. Perhaps in the future some such model could be used as a
standard for comparing the effectiveness of auditory displays for particular
The Auditory List is a forum for researchers working on computational
models of hearing Auditory
list home page
The recognition of speech in complex auditory scenes consisting of
multiple speakers and transient noises is a difficult problem which is
being addressed through computational models of auditory processing and
organisation at Sheffield Uni. This site includes the ShATR multi-simultaneous-speaker
and Hearing Group at Sheffield University
Higher level focus on interpretation of information recieved through
sound, for example for use in robotic audition.
IPUS Knowledge-Based
Signal Processing
Miscellaneous Leads
A transcript of an interview with a painter and writer who suddenly
became blind twenty years ago. He now spends much of his time travelling
the world, "seeing it", as you'll hear, with amazing perception
and vision.
Radio National interview with Hugue de Montalembert
The representation of data requires consideration of an appropriate
match between perceptual characteristics of the representation, and data
characteristics of the information to be represented. These issues have
been discussed by researchers in graphic visualisation using colour, shape
etc., and are the subject of this WWW discussion page.
Data Visualization Discussion