Books and other Publications
Sound Computation and Control, and Audio Engineering
Foundations of Computer Music Curtis Roads and John Strawn,
eds. ISBN 0-262-68051-3 MIT Press, 1985
A survey of sound computation and other computer music issues.
Elements of Computer Music F. Richard Moore ISBN
0-13-252552-6 Prentice Hall, 1990
Covers how to analyze process and synthesize musical sound. A lot of
digital signal processing, composition techniques (random numbers, Markov
Processes, etc.), and the use of music.
The Music Machine Curtis Roads, ed. ISBN 0-262-18131-2
MIT Press, 1989
Advanced Digital Audio Ken C. Pohlmann, ed. SBN
0-672-22768-1 SAMS, 1991
An excellent book covering a variety of advanced topics in digital
signal processing for audio. Covers several formats (optical disk technology,
digital audio systems for video and film, data compression, signal processing
for audio, and DSP architecture).
International Computer Music Conference Proceedings
Published by International Computer Music Association P.O. Box 1634 San
Francisco, CA 94101 USA Published annually (since 1974), collection
of papers from researchers working in computer music. Any topic where a
computer and music might intersect (even remotely) is within the scope
of these conferences. Papers on synthesis, real-time systems, analysis,
composition, MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification, Version 4.2 © 1993 Published
and distributed by International MIDI Association 5316 West 57th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90056 (310) 649-6434 The official specification for the
industry-standard Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
MIDI: A Comprehensive Introduction Rothstein,
Joseph Computer Music and Digital Audio Series, Vol. 71 (Series Editor
John Strawn) Madison, WI: A-R Editions, 1992
A thorough discussion of the basic principles of MIDI. Describes categories
of MIDI instruments, accessories, and computer software, and tells how
to get it all to work together.
Perception and Cognition
Auditory and Visual Pattern Recognition D. J. Getty and J.
H. Howard, Jr. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1981
This edited volume includes five chapters on perception of complex
auditory patterns, two chapters on theoretical approaches to pattern recognition,
and three chapters on multidimensional approaches to
Listening: An Introduction to the Perception of Auditory
Events Handel, S. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989.
Includes, in one source, broad and detailed coverage of auditory topics
including sound production (especially by musical instruments and by voice),
propagation, modeling, and the physiology of the auditory system. Covers
parallels between speech and music throughout.
Classification of Complex Nonspeech Sounds National
Research Council Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1989
This report was prepared by the Committee on Hearing, Bioacoustics,
and Biomechanics to review and evaluate the literature on the classification
of complex nonspeech, nonmusic, transient sounds. Literature on perception,
signal processing, auditory object perception, limits of auditory processing,
acoustic transients, sonar, and multidimensional analysis is also reviewed.
Handbook of Perception and Human Performance K.
R. Boff, L. Kaufman, and J. P. Thomas Sensory Processes and Perception,
vol. 1 New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1986
Various parameters of sound are delineated and discussed including
their interpretation by individuals having auditory pathologies. An excellent
first source for the definition of sound parameters and inquiry into the
complexities of sonic phenomena.
Engineering Data Compendium: Human Perception and Performance
K. R. Boff and J. E. Lincoln, eds. Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research
Laboratory Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1988
This three-volume compendium distills information from the research
literature about human perception and performance that is of potential
value to systems designers. Plans include putting the compendium on CD.
Music Cognition
W. J. Dowling and D. L. Harwood San Diego: Academic Press, 1986
A general text providing an abundance of information concerning the physical
characteristics of musical sound and the processes involved in its perception.
Topics covered include basic acoustics, physiology of hearing, music perception
(e.g. timbre, consonance/dissonance, etc.), melodic organization, temporal
organization, emotion, and meaning, and cultural context of musical experience;
abundant references to research in each of these areas is provided for
further reading.
Acoustic CommunicationB. Truax Norwood, NJ: Ablex,
Broad coverages of sound including speech, music, natural sound, and
sounds of modern life. Presents a communication model which places sound
in a mediating role between listeners and and the environment. Presents
results of the World Soundscape Project.
Music, Mind, and Brain: The Neuropsychology of Music
Manfred Clynes, ed. ISBN 0-306-40908-9 New York: Plenum Press, 1982
Collection of papers based on the conference on Physical and Neuropsychological
Foundation of Music which was in Ossiach (wherever that is!) in 1980. Covers
topics such as the nature of the language of music, how the brain organises
musical experience, perception of sound and rhythm, and how computers can
help contribute to a better understanding of musical processes. [British
spelling intentional?
The Psychology of Music Diana Deutsch, ed. ISBN
0-12-213562-8 New York: Academic Press, 1982 A well-known book that
covers perception, analysis of timbre, rhythm and tempo, timing, melodic
processes, and others.
Multimedia Interface Design. Meera M. Blattner and R. B. Dannenberg,
eds. Reading, MA: ACM Press/Addison-Wesley, 1992
Eight of the 21 chapters of this book are focused on sound in the multimedia
interface. Many of the other chapters consider the role of sound as one
of the elements of components of the multimedia interface.
Multimedia Systems. John K. Buford, ed. Reading,
MA: ACM/Addisoon-Wesley, 1994.
Provides a technical overview of multimedia systems, including information
on sound and video recording, signal processing, system architectures,
and user interfaces. Covers fundamental principles, applications and current
research in multimedia, as well as operating systems, database management
systems, and network communication.
Multimedia Interface Design in Education. A. D.
N. Edeards and S. Holland, eds. NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems
Sciences, Vol. 76. Springer-Verlag, 1992.
This is a collection of papers from a workshop. As suggested by the
title, the emphasis is on use of multimedia in education, though naturally
many of the conclusions have a broader significance. The authors came from
a wide variety of backgrounds--both theoretical and practical and there
is an emphasis on the use of multiple media within the human-computer interface,
as well as the use of computers to control multimedia displays.
Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces. M. Mayberry,
ed. Menlo Park, CA AAAI Press, 1993.
3-D sound for Virtual Reality and Multimedia.
Durand R. Begault Academic Press Professional, ISBN: 0-12-084735-3
Introductions to physics and perception of sound and DSP related to
spatial hearing; covers the implementation of a 3-D sound system for control
of azimuth, elevation and distance of virtual sound sources; includes discussion
of reverberation modeling and auralization for acoustical design; overviews
many different applications for spatialized sound, including: auditory
feedback; communication systems; aeronautics; computer music; sonification;
television; and computer interfaces.
The Sonic CD-ROM for Desktop Audio Production.
Durand R. Begault Academic Press Professional, ISBN 0-12-084738-8
WINDOWS/ MAC version on one disc Guides the user interactively through
the basics of sound, the tools for producing desktop computer audio, and
cutting-edge technologies such as 3-D sound.